Page 7 - The HandPrint_May_Safety_Electronic
P. 7

            In addition to addressing at-risk behaviors, it is also important to proactively address at risk conditions.
            A drop box was installed for plant team members to report hazardous conditions. In order to incentivize
            team members to report hazards, a monthly prize raffle is held for all submissions. Since May 2017,
            over 40 items have been reported and repaired. This proactive approach has clearly created a safer
            work environment.
            Building a culture focused on safety is not achieved overnight. However, it is clear that efforts to be
            proactive are already having an impact. In 2017, the GOJO Manufacturing Center, Lippman Campus
            reported a total of 7 safety incidents. This is a huge reduction from the 13 incidents reported in 2016.

                   If you SEE a HAZARDOUS

                   CONDITION, REPORT it!

                   Pictured above: If you see a hazard           Pictured above: The Hazard Reporting
                   that needs urgent attention, please           Box hangs near the Manufacturing
                   notify your supervisor immediately!           Center, Lippman Campus time clock

                   For all other hazards,
                   please submit a Hazard Reporting

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