Page 6 - The HandPrint_May_Safety_Electronic
P. 6

     Building a Culture of Safety

            By Jessica DeSantis, Operations Administration—Manufacturing

            In an effort to address areas for potential safety concerns, the GOJO Manufacturing Center, Lippman
            Campus implemented two new safety programs in 2017. Safety management programs are often
            reactive in that they kick in only after an accident has occurred. The goal for 2017 was to become
            proactive about safety and resolve potential safety issues before an accident occurs. As a result, two
            proactive safety programs have been implemented.
            Each quarter, volunteers are selected to participate in this peer observation program. The volunteers
            use a checklist to observe each other on the job and then provide positive feedback for both safe and at-
            risk behaviors. This peer-to-peer feedback is instrumental in changing at risk work practices because it
            allows GOJO team members to practice conversations about safety. After participating in the program,
            volunteers have stated that they feel more comfortable approaching their coworkers and discussing at
            risk behaviors. As more and more volunteers participate, their experiences will create a culture in which
            everyone contributes to keeping each other safe.

                Pictured above, left: 1  Shift: The Q1 safety observation group: Jason Brigger, Kevin Buffington, Ramon
                Byers, Eugene Dixon, Rachel Ettayem, Sandra Watson, Allen Giacoma, Jesse Davis, Theresa Kapper, and
                trainers, Nick Porter, David Templeton, Ryan Baston, Sheena Winters, Kathryn Clark, and Henry Davis.

                Pictured above, right: 2nd Shift: The Q1 safety observation group: Carletta Peterson, Jada Mills, Stacie
                Heller, Yolanda Bishop, Debra Clark, Ann Gray, Alex Ruple, Charlotte Andrus, Alysia Lewis, and trainers,
                Terra Sprinkle and Debra Campbell.

                Pictured above, center: 3  Shift: The Q1 safety observation group: Barb Love, Arielle Stovall, Josh
                Durenda, Marquis Walters, and trainers, Patty Boganwright and Amber Miller.
                                           Note: NOT ALL THOSE LISTED ARE PICTURED                          6
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