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Employee Spotlight
Penny Ingram (Intake Clerk)
Our employees are what truly make QPWB a diverse What do you find most enjoyable about your job?
place to work. With 20+ offices across the United I really love that I have the opportunity to interact
States, we have some incredible people with many with the people across all the different offices. Since
different personalities and backgrounds contributing I am always communicating with the attorneys and
to the firms continued success. Meet Penny Ingram! secretaries over the phone and through email, I
Penny is an intake clerk in our accounting department have gotten to know a lot of wonderful people in the
who began her career with QPWB in July of 2016. company who are very personable. I also really enjoy
She is the only person in accounting with her specific my co-workers in the accounting department. We
title and set of responsibilities. Due to the unique all have our own areas of strength, but work really
nature of her job, we decided to kick off our employee well as a team and help each other out whenever
spotlight series by interviewing Penny. necessary.
In one sentence what does an Intake Clerk do? What are some of the challenges you encounter
An intake clerk essentially makes sure that all new in your role?
cases get opened in the billing system so that the The high volume of new cases being opened in the
attorneys can have new matters to bill on. billing cycle is definitely the biggest challenge. I am
How would you describe a typical workday? the only intake clerk in the firm and I need to juggle
My day consists of interacting with attorneys and two sets of emails with incoming requests. In the past
paralegals through email and telephone. Often legal year we have gained a lot of new attorneys which has
secretaries will put in a request through Aderant and led to new clients and new matters, so on any given
I will need to reach out to them or their attorneys to day I may open 100+ new cases.
clarify the information and rates they provided are If you could visit anywhere in the world that you
accurate. Once I am able to verify, I go ahead and haven’t gone before, where would it be and why?
open the matter for them. It would be a tie between Sicily and Ireland. My
How did you get to where you are today? mother’s side of the family was from Sicily and my
Originally, I worked at a medical malpractice law firm grandmother was Irish. So I would really love to visit
on the plaintiff’s side. I started off as a receptionist both and see the places my family members grew up
there, but took on additional administrative assistant in.
and accounting duties. At one point I decided that I What are some of your passions outside of work?
wanted to leave the legal industry, but a friend told I love to travel – specifically camping and going on
me that insurance defense was completely different cruises!
from what I was used to and referred me to QPWB!
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