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How to Recharge During Lunch

     Lunch breaks are the perfect opportunity to refresh
     after a busy morning and come back feeling refreshed
     and renewed. Below are some tips that can help you
     make the most out of your break:

      1. Leave your desk  – Studies have shown that
         a  change  in  your  environment  is  beneficial  to   How Can Extreme Heat Affect Me?
         productivity and creative thinking. Even stepping
         out for just 10 to 15 minutes can help you feel       The  Center  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention
         more energized when you return.                       (CDC) says that more than 600 people in the United
      2. Go for a walk outside – Finding the time to           States die every year from heat-related illness that
         exercise  or  move  our  bodies  can  be  difficult   are preventable.  Heat affects everybody!  A normal
         when we are sitting for 8 hours a day. However,       body temperature for adults is around 98.6 F.  When
         your lunch break can be the perfect opportunity
         to squeeze in a 20 to 30 minute walk. Not only        you are sick, you may get a fever with symptoms
         will the exercise boost your energy levels and        such as headache, sweating or fatigue.  Much like
         improve brain function, but being outside will        a fever, extreme heat stresses your body’s ability to
         allow you to take in the fresh air and get your  maintain its normal temperature.
         daily dose of vitamin D.                              According to the American Red Cross, the following

      3. Catch up with friends, family and co-workers          tips will help keep your body temperature safe during
         – Your lunch break is also a great time to connect  extreme heat:
         with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
         Even  a  10  minute  conversation  with  someone         • Wear loose, light-weight, and breathable fabrics
         you love can put you in a more positive mindset            like linen or cotton.
         for the rest of the day.
                                                                  •  Stay indoors or in the shade between 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
      4. Meditate  – Meditation is a wonderful habit to           • Stay hydrated and replenish your fluids: Divide
         cultivate. Not only will it help reduce stress and         your  body  weight  in  half  (using  pounds),  then
         anxiety, but it has also been proven to boost              drink that many ounces.
         memory, focus and your overall mood. There are
         a variety of apps and guided meditation videos to        • Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Keep your
         help you get started clearing your mind.                   core temperature down by eating smaller meals
      5. Read a book – A good way to disconnect during              and  choosing  cooling  foods  like  cucumbers,
         your lunch break is to get lost in a story or topic        salads, vegetables and fruits.
         that is completely unrelated to your job. Whether        • Plan outdoor exercise for cooler times of the day
         it’s  something  educational  or  purely  fiction,  a      like early morning or late evening.
         good book allows you to escape from your own
         thoughts for a while or learn something new.
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