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     401 (K) FAQ’s

       • When can I enroll in the 401(k) plan? Eligibility
         starts on the 1st of the month following 6 full
         months  of  employment.  Example:  Date  of  hire
         is 1/13. The 6 month counting period begins 2/1
         and ends 7/1, making the eligibility date 8/1.
       • How much can I contribute? You can contribute                You learned in the newsletter that
         from 1% to 90% of your pre-tax compensation                  as employees of a law firm, it is our
         each  year.  The  maximum  amount  for  2018  is
         $18,500. You may contribute an additional $6,000          responsibility to take the confidential
         at the beginning of the year in which you turn age
         50, for a maximum of $24,500 yearly.                        information we work with seriously.
       • How  much  does  the  firm  match?    Up  to  4%                 What was one of the tips we
         each period that you contribute.
       • When  am  I  fully  vested?    Immediately  100%            suggested in the newsletter to help
         vested  in  your  employee  elective  deferral,             better safeguard this information?
         matching funds and rollover contributions.
       • How do I sign up?
              ○Go to                                         Please email your response
              ○Click on Register Now and follow the prompts               to
       • What  if  I  need  more  detailed  information?                     The first person to respond
         Contact our financial advisor Craig Rosen from                     correctly will win a giftcard!
         Edward Jones at 954-472-9995

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