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Cyber Security Tips                                       What is an Employee Assistance
                                                               Program (EAP)?

     Times have changed.                                       An  Employment  Assistance  Program  (EAP)  is  a
     According to,                                   confidential  service  that  provides  professional
     somewhere between 1996                                    counseling and referral services designed to help you
     and 2001, Internet became                                 with personal, job or family related problems.  If you
     widely popularized. Since                                 are enrolled in our United Healthcare Medical Plans,
     then, workplaces have                                     you are eligible for services provided by the Care 24
     completely shifted the way they communicate.
     Communication is occurring largely via email which we     EAP.    You can contact Care 24 anytime, day or night
     now have accessible on multiple devices at any given      at 1-888-887-4114.   The EAP can help you understand
     time. As employees of a law firm, it is our responsibility   what options are available for your particular needs.
     to take very seriously protecting that confidential       Some of the most common concerns are:
     information that we work with daily. Here are three tips
     on how to better safeguard this information:                 • Stress, anxiety and depression
       1. If you are using your mobile device or laptop to        • Grief and loss
         receive emails or view documents, make sure your         • Parent-child conflicts
         phone has a passcode enabled. This way if your           • Separation and divorce
         phone is lost or stolen, someone is less likely to       • Coping with serious illness
         be able to access any information. Also, remember        • Managing anger
         not to use the same password for every account.
                                                                  • Illegal drug use and problem drinking
       2. Make sure you lock your workstation any time you        • Elder care issues
         step  away  from  your  desk  or  laptop.  You  never
         know if a client, maintenance staff member, or        For more information (click here) or if
         contractor  could  be  walking  around.  You  do  not
         want anyone to gain unauthorized access or view       you have any questions, please email
         something they should not be seeing. On that same
         note, make sure none of your passwords are taped
         on to your computer or written down somewhere

       3. When you leave for the day, make sure to lock
         your office. If you work in a cubicle or open area,
         make  sure  any  documents  containing  personal
         employee or client information are locked away
         safely.  On  that  same  note,  make  sure  when  you
         are disposing of any documents that contain
         confidential information, you are shredding it and
         not tossing it in the regular trash bin.

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