Page 19 - AASBO EDGE Fall 2021 WEB
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and complexity  of  due  diligence  required  the form of a written determination and
        for each procuring entity with which they  justify the selection based upon the quotes
        participate. For audit purposes, districts  obtained.  This strategy certainly complies
        should retain documentation of the due  with the requirement. However, there is no
        diligence performed and its results.” It is the  specific requirement to obtain quotes from
        vendor’s responsibility to be cognizant and  cooperatives and is simply a best practice a
        respectful of due diligence requirements the  district could employ.  The most important
        district must follow.                                  thing  is  a district  is  required  to  provide  a
                                                               written justification on how the district chose
        Once the school district has completed  the particular cooperative vendor contract.
        due diligence to ensure the procurement is  There is no requirement for school districts
        compliant, the second step is that districts are  to accomplish this documentation the same
        required to provide a rationale/justification  way for every purchase.
        when selecting a vendor on a cooperative
        contract.  This can also be considered an  Cooperative purchases that exceed  the
        additional step in the due diligence process.  administrative                authority      must       have
        The rationale must be in writing by the                governing board approval. For most Arizona
        school district. Basically, it is the district’s  school districts, the administrative authority
        documentation  for  the  thought  process  for  threshold in $100,000.  That means all
        selection of the vendor.  The district has  purchases over $100,000 would need to
        the discretion in how to comply with this  have board approval including cooperative
        requirement and may utilize a single format  purchases. A check of a district’s governing
        or multiple formats depending on the nature  board policy would confirm the amount of
        of the purchase.                                       administrative authority.

        “The most important thing is a                         It is my sincere hope that this extremely brief
                                                               glimpse into cooperative purchasing helps
        district is required to provide  to  answer  more  questions  than  it  created.

        a  written  justification  on  how                     Please email me if you have any questions
                                                               or need further clarifications.
        the district chose the particular

        cooperative vendor contract.”

        This documentation could consist of two  Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance
        or three sentences at a bare minimum.  and Training Officer for Valley Schools Management Group,
        Many districts are utilizing a checklist of  recipient  of  the  2018  AASBO  Bill  Lovett  Award  and  the
        possible items to consider and have found  2016 NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the Year. He
        this to be helpful in documenting the  provides  consultation  on  public  procurement  matters  for
        rationale. Some districts may, in certain  school districts and vendors across the state of Arizona and
        circumstances, document three quotes from  across the country. He may be reached at:
        a cooperative or multiple cooperatives in

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