Page 21 - AASBO EDGE Fall 2021 WEB
P. 21


                                                                            Tony Riggs  Russell Deneault
        When Purchasing Technology – Research, Research, Research

        Technology is a vital resource for today’s students, but in   “So,” Riggs said, “what have we learned? How are we
        a changing world tech took on a far greater role helping   going to pay for this – long-term costs and repairs?”
        schools navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic.        In a free-wheeling session with input and inquiries from
                                                               attendees, Riggs wanted to know what worked and what
        Because of the increasing reliance on technology, its   may not have worked, at least satisfactorily. Questions
        cost and continuous improvements, school business      Riggs urged AASBO members to consider, including:
        officials need to know exactly how they’re going to    Did devices solve an immediate need?  What were the
        use the technology they’re considering for purchase.   considerations for long-term costs and how did it affect
        Tony Riggs, CEO/Director of Sales for NeedThese,       your decisions?
        a  technology  systems  firm  for  schools  and  education
        facilities, and Russell Deneault, AASBO Vice President   Regarding remote learning software, the implementation
        and Director of Information Systems and  Technology,   and adaptation from staff  and students, Riggs  asked:
        Creighton Elementary School District, conducted a      “What was necessary to get everyone on board and
        breakout session at the AASBO Summer Conference and    successfully teaching and learning?”
        Expo, focusing on what practical tech means to you.
                                                               Riggs, who has been dealing with education issues for
        They thanked  AASBO members for their hard work        25 years, said, “I’ve seen products come and I’ve seen
        during “a crazy, crazy year,” recognizing that the     products go. The challenges you faced – this was great
        technical staff has worked tirelessly to accommodate the   experience. You were thrust into this. You survived. You
        unexpected change in teaching and learning since early   made everything happen. Looking forward, down the
        last year.                                             road you will need some practical tech.  This was one
                                                               of the hardest things to happen in you life. Have some
        “We have all had to come together to solve problems    practical tech. Are we prepared for something like this
        that have been unimaginable and in a short period of   again?”
        time – so thanks,” Deneault said.
                                                               Deneault chimed in: “Not to be a Debbie Downer, but
        Riggs, offering a vendor’s point of view, said, “There is   it’s the worst event of your life – so far. Are we prepared
        so much technology out there. Look at all the different   for future challenges?”
        technologies and decide what to use.  What’s practical
        for longevity and how is it going to be used?”         Riggs mentioned the use of Zoom and other learning
                                                               platforms, and the differences in calling 911 from a cell
        Attendees were encouraged to think outside the box and   phone or a land line in an emergency.
        to be adaptive. Riggs noted that there has been an influx
        of money, alluding to federal stimulus funds and new   “Go through your software carefully – make sure you’re
        products designed to solve problems that popped up     not paying for something you’re not using,” he said.
        often.                                                 “Check to see how often a piece of software is being
                                                               used on your network.”
        Deneault noted that with technology, “Almost everything
        is accessible from anywhere. “                         He told of an instance where a client did not renew a
                                                               $16,000 piece of software after determining that it had
        A key issue is knowing what specific technology will   only been used twice.
        really help you.
                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

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