Page 15 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 15
At His first coming, the world rejected Him. He was the
despised Nazarene. But when He comes again, He will ap-
pear as "the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings
and Lord of Lords."
7 and
He is coming to sit upon the throne of His glory,
to be admired in all them that believed, and to rule, in
judgment and equity, all the nations of the earth. 9
How glorious it will be to see the King in His beauty.
Perhaps you are not a Christian, and say
"I Don't Care Anything About It."
Then, dear friend, we point you to the crucified Savior as
the only hope of salvation.
We beg of you to ''kiss the Son," lest ye perish from the
way. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him. 11
What shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and
(6) 1 Tim. 6 :13. I give thee The Everlasting Father, The
charge in the sight of God, who Prince of Peace.
quickeneth all things, and before 7. Of the increase of his gov-
Christ ernment and peace there shall
14. That thou keep this com- ~be no end, upon the throne of
mandment without spot, un- David, and upon his kingdom,
rebukeable, until the appear- to order it, and to establish it
ing of our Lord Jesus Christ : with judgment and with justice
15. Which in his times he from henceforth even for ever.
shall shew, who is the blessed The zeal of the Lord of hosts
and only Potentate, the King of will perform this.
kings, and Lord of lords. Rev. 2 :25. But that which
(7) Mat. 25:31. When the ye have already, hold fast till
Son of man shall come in his I come.
glory, and all the holy angels 26. And he that overcometh,
with him, then shall he sit upon and keepeth my works unto the
the throne of his glory. end, to him will I give power
(8) 2 Thes. 1:10. When he over the nations :
shall come to be glorified in his 27. And he shall rule them
saints, and to be admired in all with a rod of iron ; as the ves-
them that believe (because our sels of a potter shall they be
testimony among you was be- broken to shivers : even as I
lieved) in that day. received of my Father.
(9) Psa. 2 :9. Thou shalt (10) Isa. 33 :17. Thine eyes
break them with a rod of iron ; shall see the King in his' beauty ;
thou shalt dash them in pieces they shall behold the land that
like a potter's vessel. is very far off.
Isa. 9 :6. For unto us a child (11) Psa. 2:12. Kiss the
Is born, unto us a son is given : Son, lest he be angry, and ye
and the government shall be perish from the way, when his
upon his shoulder : and his wrath is kindled but a little.
name shall be called Wonderful, Blessed are all they that put
Counsellor, The Mighty God, their trust in him.