Page 17 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 17
reconciled to God, now, in the accepted time, in the day
of salvation. 21 Do let us entreat you to repent and be
converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and that
you may turn "to serve the living and true God, and to
23 and be unblamable at the
wait for his Son from Heaven,"
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But if you are a Christian, then we point you to Hia
coming again, as
The True Incentive to a Holy Life.
Jesus is coming, therefore mortify your members which
(20) 2 Cor. 5:20. Now then Acts 17 :30. And the times of
we are ambassadors for Christ, this ignorance God winked at ;
as though God did beseech you but now commandeth all men
by us : we pray you in Christ's every where to repent :
stead, be ye reconciled to God. 31. Because he hath appointed
(21) 2 Cor. 6:2. (For he a day, in the which he will
saith, I have heard thee in a judge the world in righteous-
time accepted, and in the day ness by that man whom he bath
of salvation have I succoured ordained ; whereof he hath given
behold, now assurance unto all men, in that
thee : is the ac-
cepted time ; behold, now is the he hath raised him from tho
day of salvation.) dead.
Luke 14:31. Or what king, (23) 1 Thes. 1:9. For they
going to make war against an- themselves shew of us what man-
other king, sitteth not down ner of entering in we had unto
first, and consulteth whether he you, and how ye turned to God
be able with ten thousand to from idols to serve the living
meet him that cometh against and true God ;
him with twenty thousand? 10. And to wait for his Son
from heaven, whom he raised
32. Or else, while the other is
from the dead, even Jesus, which
yet a great way off, he sendeth
an ambas'sage, and desireth con- delivered us from the wrath to
ditions of peace.
(24) 1 Thes. 3:13. To the
33. So likewise, whosoever iic
end he may stablish your hearts
be of you that forsaketh not all unblamable in holiness before
that he hath, he cannot be my
God, even our Father, at the
disciple. coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
(22) Acts 10:42. And he with all his saints.
commandeth us to preach unto (25) 1 John 3 :2. Beloved,
the people, and to testify that it now are we the sons of God| and
is he which was ordatned of it doth not yet appear what we
God to be the Judge of quick shall be : but we know that,
and dead. when he shall appear, we shall
43. To him give all the proph- be like him ; for we shall see
ets witness, that through His him as he is.
name whosoever believeth in 3. And every man that hath
him shall receive remission ol this hope in him purifleth him-
eins. self, even as he is pure-