Page 16 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 16

"EIB8 THE SON."               13

     lose your own soul?  12  He is coming, and we know neither
     the day, nor the hour, when He may come.  What it Ho
     should come now? Would you be found of Him in peace,
     or would you be left behind to endure the terrible things
                               15  while the church is with
     which shall come upon the world,
                    16                          17
     Christ in the  air,  and be made at His appearing  to
     mourn  18  and pray to the mountains and rocks to hide you
     from His face?
       "Prepare to meet thy God," was the solemn injunction to
                               one of us, both Jew and
     Israel (Amos 4:12), and every
     Gentile, must meet Him, either in grace or in  judgment.
      We, then, as ambassadors for Christ, beseech you:  be ye
       (12) Mat.  16:26.  For what  1 Thes. 4:17. Then we which
     is  a man  profited,  if he  shall  are  alive and remain  shall  be
     gain the whole world, and  lose  caught  up  together  with them
     his own soul? or what  shall a  in the clouds, to meet the Lord
     man  give  in exchange  for  his  in the air : and so shall we ever
     soul?                    be with the Lord.
      27. For the Son of man shall  (17) 2 Thes. 1:7. And to you
     come in the glory of his Father  who are troubled  rest with  us,
     with  his  angels  ;  and  then he  when  the Lord  Jesus  shall  be
     shall reward every man accord-  revealed from heaven with  his
     ing to his works.        mighty angels,
       (13) Mat.  25:13.  Watch  8. In flaming flre taking ven-
     therefore  ;  for ye know neither  geance on them  that know not
     the day nor  the hour wherein  God, and that obey not the gos-
     the  Son  of man  cometh.  pel of our Lord Jesus Christ :
       (14)  2  Pet.  3:14.  Where-  9. Who shall be punished with
     fore, beloved, seeing that ye look  everlasting destruction from the
     for such things, be diligent that  presence of the Lord, and from
     ye may  be  found  of him  in  the glory of his power  ;
                                10. When he shall come to ba
     peace, without spot, and blame-
                              glorified  in  his  saints,  and  to
                              be admired in  all them that be-
       (15) Luke 21:25.  And there  lieve  our
     shall be  signs  in the  sun, and  (because  testimony
     in the moon, and  in the stars  among  you  believed)  in
                              that day.
     and upon  the earth  distress  of
                                (18)  Mat. 24:30.  And then
     nations, with perplexity  ; the sea
                              shall appear the sign of the Son
     and the waves roaring
                     ;        of man   heaven  and  then
      26. Men's hearts  failing them  shall  all the tribes of the earth
     for  fear, and  for looking  after  mourn, and  they  shall  see  the
     those  things which  are coming  Son  of  man  coming  in  the
     on  the  earth :  for  the  powers  clouds of heaven with power and
     of heaven shall be shaken.
                              great glory.
       (16) Luke 21:36.  Watch ye  (19) Rev. 6:16.  And said to
     therefore, and pray always, that  the mountains and
                                             rocks,  Fall
     ye may be accounted worthy  to  on us, and hide us from the face
     escape  all  these  things  that  of  him  that  sitteth  on  the
     shall come to pass, and to stand  throne, and from the wrath of
     before the Son  of man.  the Lamb.
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21