Page 18 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 18
are upon the earth, that you may appear with Him in
Strive and pray for purity of heart, that you may "be
like Him and see Him as He is." Search the Word, that
you may be sanctified and cleansed thereby, and that your
whole spirit, and soul, and body may be preserved blameless
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But possibly
you say, with contempt,
"Oh, That's Second Adventism."
80 31
Beloved, have you considered that Moses, David,
32 33 34 35
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zecariah, all the prophets
(26) Col. 3:4. When Christ, right hand went a fiery law for
who is our life, shall appear, them.
then shall ye also appear with (31) Psa. 102:16. When the
him in glory. Lord shall build up Zion, he
5. Mortify therefore your mem- shall appear in his glory.
bers which are upon the earth ; Isa. 59:20. And the Re-
fornication, uncleanness, inor- deemer shall come to Zion, and
dinate affection, evil concu- unto them that turn from
piscence, and covetousness, transgression in Jacob, saith the
which is idolatry. Lord.
(27) Mat. 5 :8. Blessed are Isa. 60:1. Arise, shine; for
the pure in heart: for they shall
thy light is come, and the glory
see God.
of the Lord is risen upon thee.
1 John 3 :2. Beloved, now (33) Jer. 23:5. Behold the
are we the sons of God, and it days come, saith the Lord, that
doth not yet appear what we
shall be : but we know that, I will raise unto David a right-
when he shall appear, we shall eous Branch, and a King shall
be like him for we shall see reign and prosper, and shall ex-
; judgment and
him as he is. ecute justice in
the earth.
3. And every man that hath
this hope in him purifieth him- 6. In his days Judah shall be
self, even as he Is pure. saved, and Israel shall dwell
(28) Eph. 5:26. That he safely : and this is his name
might sanctify and cleanse it whereby he shall be called, THE
with the washing of water by LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
the word. (34) Dan. 7 :13. I saw in the
(29) 1 Thes. 5:23. And *he night visions, and, behold, one
very God of peace sanctify you like the Son of man came with
wholly ; and I pray God your the clouds of heaven, and came
whole spirit and soul and body to the Ancient of days, and they
be preserved blameless unto the brought him near before him.
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (35) Zech. 14:4. And his feet
(30) Deut. 33:2. And he said, shall stand in that day upon the
The Lord came from Sinai, and mount of Olives, which is be-
rose up from Seir unto them ; fore Jerusalem on the east ; and
he shined forth from Mount the mount of Olives shall cleave
Paran, and he came with ten in the midst thereof toward the
thousands of saints : from bis east and toward the west, and