P. 24

18             NOTES  ON  EZEKIEL.

         Jehovah’s words  to them whether they might hear or
         forbear, for they were rebellious (or most rebellious).
            Further,  Ezekiel  is  cautioned  himself  not  to  be
         rebellious  like them, but  to open his  mouth and  eat
         what  God  gives him.  (Yer. 8.)  Thereon a hand was
         extended, and in it a roll of  a book, which He spread
         before  the  prophet,  written  on  the  face  and  on  the
         back,  fully and  flowing  over;  and  there was written
         in  it  lamentations,  mourning, and woe.  (Yer. 9, 10.)
         Such  was the character of his earlier testimony.  We
         shall  see  how grace  triumphs  to  God’s  glory in  the

                          CHAPTER  III.

            In  chapter iii. this  is followed up.  The eaten  roll
          proves  sweet  as  honey.  The  prophet  was  sent  to
          Israel, with  the  certainty that  they would  not  hear,
          impudent  and  hard-hearted  as  they  were,  but  con­
          fronted  by the  prophet  with  a forehead  of  adamant.
          (Yer. 1—9.)  Receiving  God’s word  in his heart, he
          was to  go with a  Thus saith  Jehovah.  (Yer. 10, 11.)
          Then  the Spirit  took  him  up with  the  noise  of  the
          glory accompanying, and  after seven  days among the
          captives  at  Tel-abib,  the  word  came  that  Jehovah
          made him a watchman to Israel with the most solemn
          charge  and  responsibility to  be  faithful  at  his peril.
          It was  no longer a  question of the nation but of indi­
          vidual fidelity.  (Ver.12—21.)  The chapter closes with
          a final command, when he sees the glory again on the
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