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chance. Contrariwise, whatever the revolutions or
changes among men, all is wittingly guided where it
might be least expected. The instruments of the pro
vidential government, below the firmament or expanse,
were completely in accord with what was above and
over this was the likeness of a throne; and above all the
likeness of a man exercising executory j udgment, though
with the unfailing pledge of mercy to an evil world.
Thus the throne of God was no longer in Israel,
but the God of heaven was pleased and about to use
the Gentiles to do His will in punishing guilty Jeru
salem. It is His throne from heaven, not yet His
throne in heaven, as in Revelation iv. where we have
no wheels, but six wings to each. The living creatures
there are accordingly not cherubim only but seraphim,
crying Holy, holy, holy, and the whole creation is
taken up under His dispensational titles, save what
is distinctively millennial. Hence they are not the
mere basis of God’s throne in judging the Jew, pro
videntially through the Gentile, but associated and
identified with the throne of Him who judges all ac
cording to His nature. The world comes under His
dealings, though above all apostate Jews and Gentiles,
all ‘‘that dwell on the earth.” The living creatures
are in the circle of the throne and in its midst, no
longer under it as in Ezekiel.
Hence we may easily understand that by the
cherubim is set forth God’s judicial executive, to
whomsoever entrusted and in whatever circumstances
displayed. There is a difference between that which
was seen after man’s fall, and when God called for the
mercy-seat. So the sight vouchsafed to Ezekiel on