P. 19

CHAPTER  I.               13

     had  their faces and  their  wings.  Their  wings  were
     joined  one  to  another;  they  turned  not  when  they
     went;  they went  everyone  straight  forward.”  (Yer.
     6—9.)  The  likeness  of  a  man  was  theirs,  though
     each  had four faces and  four wings  (ver. 6) ;  but  the
     feet were  straight, the  sole like  that  of  a calf’s  foot,
     and  the face  of  an ox answering  to that of  a cherub.
     (Yer. 7;  compare also chap. x. 14.)  Activity, or apt­
     ness  in  doing, seems  represented  by the  hands  of  a
     man ;  swiftness of execution from above in the wings,
     without a moment’s deviation from the object in band,
     and with  four  sides  so as  to  move  in  all  directions.
     The intimation of  verse 10  I  take to be that in front
     the  face  of  a  man  was  seen, and  that  of  an  eagle
     behind, with  a lion’s  face to the right and an ox’s  or
      steer’s  to the  left.*  These  compose  the  symbolical
      supports of the throne, being the heads of the creatures
      preserved in the ark from the flood; man setting forth
     intelligence,  the  lion  strength,  the  ox  patience  or
      stability,  and  the  eagle  rapidity  of  execution,  the
     attributes of  God or  the qualities of  His judgments.
     “ As for the likeness of  their faces, they four had  the
     face  of  a  man, and  the  face  of a  lion, on  the  right
      side;  and they four had  the face of  an ox on  the left
      side ;  they four  also had  the face of  an eagle.  Thus
      were their faces :  and  their wings were  stretched up­
     ward ;  two  wings  of  every one  were  joined  one^to
     another, and two covered their bodies.  And they went
      every one straight  forward:  whither the spirit was to
       *  Some  consider it to mean  that  the four  faces had the  same
     aspect, the man and  lion on the right, and  the ox and eagle  on
      the left.
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