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earth was not the same as John beheld when in the
Spirit he passed through the door opened in heaven.
But in all there is the common principle, while each
is modified exactly by divine wisdom according to the
case and aim before Him, which we can learn only by
the Spirit from His word which has for its object His
various glory in Christ.
The Supreme who directed all was revealed in the
appearance of a man and so in relation to men. His
attributes here made known are governmental, and
applied by instruments on earth according to a pro
vidence which overlooks nothing. There is no finer
refutation of heathen darkness or of Jewish narrow
ness than this symbolical representation of the divine
wavs with Israel as seen in Chaldea. Tet is it all
positive truth with the simple effect of manifesting the
glory of God as He was then pleased to deal, and as
He will when He undertakes the renewed blessing of
repentant Israel to the joy of all the earth. How
vain in that day will Israel feel to have been their
unbelief throughout the day of grace when they re
jected Jehovah-Messiah because He became man in
accomplishment of Isaiah vii., and in accordance with
His appearance here who, unseen of the world but
announced to deaf and blind Israel, lets the believer
know that He guided the springs of every movement
here below to His glory at the time when He ceased
to own what He once designated “ the throne of
Jehovah” in Zion. Bar from governing in and by
Israel, His judgment is seen to be directed against
them by the Gentile as His servant, however un