Page 10 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
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                                      How to Bring Global Etiquette to Life

          The important thing though is to understand          (Note: no need to spend too much time on these
          how to bring Global Etiquette to life which is why   right now. This is mainly about understanding the
          over the next few weeks hotel colleagues will be     context and description of Global Etiquette.)
          introduced to the four behaviours.

          Quickly introduce them although remind people
          they will learn all about them on an individual basis.

          •  Demonstrate Worldly Understanding

          •  Share Insider Wisdom
          •  Perform with Flair

          •  Strive for Perfection

                                                What Happens Next

          Let your colleagues know that you will meet them     Thank them for them time and share your
          again in a few days to introduce them to the first    enthusiasm about the rest of the Global Etiquette
          set of behaviours – i.e. Demonstrate Worldly         journey.

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