Page 5 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
P. 5
Overview of Resources
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Topics Briefing guide Supporting Activities Coaching & Other materials
(10 mins each) Materials (leaders to run activities recognition
(leaders to run to reinforce the Service (worksheet click on links to
sessions during Behaviour) that each download
their briefings) supervisor
can use
for each
1. Global Etiquette - Introduction None None None Z-card to recap
to Global Service Style
Etiquette and Service
- Introduction Behaviours
to the Poster
2. Demonstrate Activities: 4 How-to-Card –
Worldly 1a Tastes and Customs Cultural Cues
1b Hello, Good Morning
1c The InterContinental
For each World
3. Share Insider - Introduction For each Activities: 4 How-to-Card
Wisdom and definition briefing, 2a Insider Wisdom – The Right
of the there will Question
behaviour 2b Matching Guests and
- Explain - Cards:
how we want description
of ‘Service
4. Perform with Flair our guests to Behaviour’ Activities: 4 How-to-Card –
feel when we Confident
display this - Cards: 3a Role Play – Perform with Small Talk
behaviour guest Flair in daily activities
- Exemplary examples 3b Story-telling
from other
behaviour - hotels
examples from
5. Strive for other hotels Activities: 4 How-to-Card
Perfection 4a Role-Plays – Strive for – In Pursuit of
Perfection in how we speak Perfection
4b Role-Play – Strive for
Perfection in how we act
4c Role-Play – Strive for
Perfection in how we look
In summary, we have created a set of resources Do let us have your feedback to these resources and
that you can use flexibly in order to bring Global Global Etiquette overall. We are in the midst of
Etiquette to life in the most effective way for you and designing our training solution and any feedback
your colleagues. you have would be gratefully appreciated.