Page 30 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
P. 30


                                                       AC TI VI TY

                                       2. SHARE INSIDER WISDOM

          INTRODUCTION:                                        LOGISTICS:

          This activity examines how we can SHARE INSIDER      This is best run in groups of up to 6.
                                                               Ensure you have a room “off-stage” so that you are
          There are two parts to this.                         not interrupted.
          Part 1 is about maximising our local wisdom.         Allow about 10 minutes for this activity.

          Part 2 is about matching our wisdom with our
          Each activity will take between 5 and 10 minutes.

          The activities are designed to be run back to back
          but can also be run separately if time is an issue.

          Back to page 5: Overview of Resources             30
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