Page 26 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
P. 26


                                                       AC TI VI TY

                                      1B. HELLO GOOD MORNING

          INTRODUCTION:                                        Hello… Good morning
          This activity is one of three which examines         Say to everyone that sometimes DEMONSTRATING
          how we can DEMONSTRATE WORLDLY                       WORLDLY UNDERSTANDING starts with very
          UNDERSTANDING.                                       simple things – like being able to greet someone in

          This is a quick energiser that can be used as part   their own language.
          of a morning briefing. It should only take about 5    Review the nationalities one by one.
                                                               Ask the group if they know how to say “Hello” and
          This activity is about creating a perception of      “Good morning” to each of those nationalities.
          worldliness through our knowledge of languages.
                                                               If they do, ask them to all say it together. Make sure
          LOGISTICS:                                           everyone says it out loud. If they don’t get it quite
                                                               right, encourage them to try a few times to build
          This is best run in groups of up to 6.
                                                               their confidence. Provide gentle guidance rather
          This can be run as part of a huddle or briefing.      than criticism.
                                                               If there are any nationalities for whom people don’t
                                                               know how to say “Hello” and “Good Morning”, let
          You can use a flip chart for this activity if you have   them know what the answer is and again give them
          one – but it is not necessary.                       a chance to practise.
          There is some preparation required: Think about
          the top 6 nationalities who come to your hotel;      Identifying the nationality
          then make sure you either know (or learn) how        Ask the group how they can know what language
          to say hello and good morning yourself in those 6    their guest speaks? The answers you are looking for
          languages.                                           are likely to include:

                                                               • By hearing them talk to people they are travelling
          Top 6 nationalities                                  • By hearing them on the telephone
          Start by asking the group which are the top          • If we need to look at their passport at check-in
          nationalities that visit your hotel.
                                                               • By seeing what newspaper they are reading
          If you are using a flip chart, write their answers
          down on the flip chart. It not, then note them down   These are just some examples. There may be many
          on a pad.                                            more that are relevant for your market.

          Tell your group who the top 6 nationalities are      Benefit to the Guest
          based on your own pre-work / analysis.
                                                               Ask the group what benefit they think this will bring
          Either write these on the flip chart or read them out   to the guest.
          several times to your colleagues.

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