Page 37 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
P. 37


                                                       AC TI VI TY

                                      4. STRIVE FOR PERFECTION

          There are three different activities associated with   The three different elements that we are bringing to
          bringing STRIVE FOR PERFECTION to life.              life with these activities are:

          Each activity will take about 10 minutes. They can      a. Strive for Perfection in How We Speak
          be run separately or back to back.
                                                                  b. Strive for Perfection in How We Act
          For each activity, always ensure you refer to           c. Strive for Perfection in How We Look
          the overarching description of STRIVE FOR
          PERFECTION                                           At the end of these activities, do remind colleagues
                                                               that these are some of the basics activities that they
          We seek perfection in everything we do for our guests.   can do to bring STRIVE FOR PERFECTION to life.
          Always focussed on what’s important to them. Always   They should challenge themselves to go beyond
          looking to improve - in every detail.
                                                               these activities to think of further ways to get even
                                                               closer to a perfect guest experience.

          Back to page 5: Overview of Resources             37
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