Page 47 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
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                                      WHAT ARE HOW-TO CARDS?

          HOW-TO cards are cards that you can distribute       HOW TO USE THEM
          to colleagues after you have run your briefings and   Ideally, hand out one card at a time. Where possible
          activities.                                          go through the information on the card on a

          There are four cards in total – one linked to each   1:1 basis, pause to check for understanding and
          behaviour.                                           recapping key messages.
          The four cards are:                                  After you have handed out all the cards, find an
                                                               opportunity to revisit the content individually or in
          Cultural Cues                                        a group.
          The Right Question
          Confident Small Talk                                  Combine the learning on the cards with feedback
          In Pursuit of Perfection                             you might be giving based on the guidelines in the
                                                               previous section.
          Hyperlinks within the eBook for easy download of
          each template.

                    Confident Small Talk                          Cultural Clues
                    Why is this important?                        Why is this important?
                    Luxury service is about having the confidence to interact with guests on their level.  If we want to demonstrate worldly understanding this means that we need to be able
                                                                  to read some cultural cues. Even if we don’t know what culture a guest comes from,
                                                                  by picking up a few clues, we can adapt what we do to deliver a service that is
                    What to do            What to avoid doing     relevant for them.
                    Start with your personal welcome – “May I take the   Don’t keep talking if the guest seems
                    opportunity to extend my own personal welcome to the   distracted or disinterested.   What to do  What to avoid doing
                    InterContinental Bangkok”  Avoid conversations about politics or   It’s a very simple three step process  There are two key things to avoid
                    Question opener – “When was the last time you were in   religion  LISTEN  Are they speaking fast or slow? Formally or   STARING  Sometimes observation can
                    Bangkok”                                         informally?            comes across like staring,
                    Follow up question – “Do you have any plans while you are   WATCH  What is their eye contact like – do they like to make   be careful on how you pick
                    here?                                            eye contact or avoid it? Do they use hand gestures?  up on your clues
                                                                  PACE   Then try and match them by speaking at the same   COPYING  Pacing is about matching
                                                                                            our guests in what and how
                                                                     pace or the same formality.   they say things but we need
                                                                     Follow their cue when it comes to eye contact.   to be very careful that we
                                                                     If they don’t make eye contact with you directly,   don’t in any way come
                                                                     avoid making direct eye contact with them.   across as if we are staring
                    In Pursuit of Perfection                      The Right Question
                    Why is this important?                        Why is this important?
                    The whole point of perfection is that we never quite get there. It is about always   A key part of Sharing Insider Wisdom is to ensure that we give the right ‘wisdom’ to
                    trying to reach it. After all there is no such thing as best, only better.   the right guests. This means asking a few key questions to find out the best tips to
                                                                  share with them.
                    What to do            What to avoid doing     What to do            What to avoid doing
                    It can seem daunting to try and strive for perfection. But   Don’t be over-ambitious. It can be a   We just need to ask a few simple, open questions. Open   Avoid sounding like you have a list of
                    perfection is actually about doing very small things.   little demoralising to try and change a   questions are questions where we can’t answer yes or no.   questions. It can sound like you are
                    So think of what you do on a day to day basis.   lot and not achieve it. Best to set   Open questions give us much more information than   interrogating someone.
                                                                  closed questions.
                                          yourself a modest target and then
                    Then think of three things that you do.   beat it.   Open questions that might help could include :  Avoid giving advice about something
                                                                                        you are not sure of yourself. Ask
                    Now, think of how you might improve each of those things   Never let your pursuit of perfection get   What types of things do you like doing most?  another colleague for a suggestion if
                    by just 1% - not 20%, not 10% but just 1%. We can all   in the way of what a guest wants.  necessary.
                    improve anything by 1%                        Who is going to be going out as well? (Your suggestions
                                                                  may be very different if someone is alone; or with a young
                                                                  family etc.)
                                                                  When do you want to go? (Suggestions might be different
                                                                  during the day as opposed to the evening; during the
                                                                  week or at the weekend.)
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