Page 43 - IHG Global Etiquette_Compendium_S7_flipbook
P. 43


                                    FEEDBACK AND RECOGNITION

                                         Luxury service never stands still so look for
                                   opportunities to give your colleagues feedback as often
                                                       as possible.

                                   The emphasis on this should be on recognition of what
                                      your colleagues do well. That is not to say that you
                                    should not give them feedback for how to improve but
                                     research shows that people are much more likely to
                                    change if they receive a ratio of 5:1 in terms of positive
                                           recognition vs areas for development.

                                     In other words, positive reinforcement is often even
                                   more effective in terms of shaping the right behaviours.
                                    You may already be familiar with the SBI framework.
                                                    Here’s a reminder:

               S   SITUATION        Start any feedback by defining the where and the when of the SITUATION.
                                    This helps to give the feedback into some context. Make sure the example
                                    is a recent example. Feedback works best when it is timely.
               B   BEHAVIOUR        Then describe the specific BEHAVIOUR that you want to address. It’s
                                    important to give feedback on what you have observed directly but don’t
                                    make assumptions about why this might have happened. Remember this can
                                    be about positive behaviour – not just behaviour that isn’t quite right.
               I   IMPACT           What was the IMPACT of your team member’s behaviour or action.
                                    Particularly focus on the guest outcome. Perhaps as a result of their
                                    intervention, a guest clearly felt particularly looked after. Or as a result of
                                    your team member’s behaviour, a guest felt confused. The impact might be
                                    positive or negative – but it helps to explain why a behaviour is positive or
                                    why it might need to change. Encourage your team member to think about
                                    what they might continue doing or change.

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