Page 66 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 66


       Designed By Nature                                      The Future From Above

       Plants, animals, and microbes are the consummate        ‘The  Future  from  Above’  takes  us  on  a  journey  of
       engineers. After centuries of exploiting and destroying   discovery to find out how the world could look in 2050
       our  planet,  scientists  and  engineers  are  turning  to   - the defining year for our planet’s future - where “the
       nature for sustainable solutions to some of the biggest   climate  fight”  remains  the  consuming  battle  of  our
       challenges we face today. But can imitating nature      age. It’s a future that is - in technological terms - easily
       help save the planet? This awe-inspiring series explores   within our reach, driven by revolutionary thinking and
       the  ground-breaking  discoveries  that  scientists  and   the unique ability to reshape our world, transforming
       engineers  are  making.  By  observing  nature’s  time-  every aspect of our lives. Across the series we travel
       tested patterns and strategies and applying them to     into  the  future  and  bring  to  life  a  world  where
       new technologies we see how mankind in partnership      environmental  challenges  are  successfully  being
       with nature can create a zero-waste circular system.    overcome  thanks  to  a  multitude  of  revolutionary

       Genre:   Science                                        Genre:   Science
       Format:   5 x 60’ / HD / 2022                           Format:   4 x 60’ / HD / 2022
       Credits:  Off the Fence Studios                         Credits:  Off the Fence Studios

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