Page 68 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 68


       Secrets Of Big Data                                     A User’s Guide To The Voice

       One of our definitive human traits - the collection and   Humans are the only creatures on the planet with a
       manipulation  of  data  -  holds  promises  and  pitfalls   voice and it’s not just for transmitting language. The
       for our future. Data makes predictions possible and     very sound of speech can speak volumes about your
       allows us to look for deeper meaning in the universe,   birthplace,  social  status,  education  and  even  your
       but it is a double-edged sword - bad data and biased    sexual orientation. But what makes one voice sound
       data wreak untold havoc in our interactions. These      authoritative  and  another  meek  and  submissive?
       are stories of the future that big data is bringing to   Why  are  we  attracted  to  some  voices  and  not
       our doorsteps; the extreme adventures in gathering      others?  We’re  not  born  speaking  so  how  do  we
       remote data; the real-world dangers of predictions;     learn? Could you change your voice if you wanted
       artificial intelligence and sentient machines, and the   to? ‘A User’s Guide To The Voice’ is a loud and clear
       hacks and exploits that expose our darkest secrets to   documentary that reveals the magic and mysteries of
       the world.                                              the remarkable mechanism that is the human voice.

       Genre:   Science                                        Genre:   Science
       Format:   6 x 60’ / HD / 2022                           Format:   1 x 60’ / HD / 2022 (In Production)
       Credits:  Shark Teeth Films / Off the Fence Studios     Credits:  Markham Street Films

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