Page 72 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 72


       The Real Unicorn                                        Return To The Deep: With Fabien Cousteau

       It  was  pure  chance  that  on  the  24th  June,  2012,   Armed  with  a  slew  of  new  technologies  and
       Rosmarie  Ruf  was  not  at  the  headquarters  of  the   filmmaking techniques, Fabien Cousteau, the eldest
       Okapi Conservation Project in Epulu. Otherwise she      grandchild of legendary undersea explorer Jacques-
       would be dead. That day the guerrila group Mai Mai      Yves  Cousteau,  leads  a  team  of  daring  aquanauts
       Simba  attacked the conservation centre’s facilities.   on  a  thrilling  adventure  to  fulfill  his  life’s  mission:  to
       Killing  six  of  Rosmarie’s  companions  and  the  14   continue his grandfather’s legacy. Fabien will explore
       ambassador okapis of the conservation programme,        spectacular locations across the globe, seeing how
       along  with  kidnapping  28  women.  10  years  later,   our  ocean  and  its  inhabitants  are  surviving  in  a
       Rosmarie  will  bring  together  an  experienced  team   changing world, discovering secrets that could drive
       of rangers, Mbuti and veterinarians to capture three    forward  the  science  needed  to  save  our  planet’s
       okapis  with  which  to  resurrect  the  conservation   seas, and pushing forward his ambitious vision for the
       project. A conservation mission, never filmed before.   underwater ‘space station’ Proteus.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   1 x 90’/120’or 2/4 x 60’ / HD                 Format:   6 x 60’ / HD
       Credits:  Federation Entertainment                      Credits:  Off the Fence Productions
       Delivery: Q3 2023                                       Delivery: TBA
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