Page 76 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 76


       Barwin’s Babies                                         Kerry Daynes: Inside The Criminal Mind

       ‘Barwin’s  Babies’  tells  the  shocking  story  of  a   Leading  forensic  psychologist  Kerry  Daynes  is  on  a
       celebrated  fertility  doctor  who,  in  the  2010s,  was   quest to understand the crimes that have shocked,
       discovered to have impregnated dozens of women          intrigued, and scared us the most. She’ll be taking a
       with the wrong sperm - in many cases, his own sperm.    deep dive into each crime to reveal there is always
       Told in the style of elevated true crime series like ‘Wild,   more  to  the  story  than  we  know.  These  stories  are
       Wild Country’, the series recounts Barwin’s deceptions   hand-picked by Kerry - for example one features serial
       over a 30-year period in a dramatic fashion, exposing   killer Dennis Nilsen, who used to call her every Friday
       deep  flaws  in  fertility  medicine  worldwide,  and  the   afternoon.  Using  original  reporting  and  in-depth
       cascading effect of his actions on dozens of families.   analysis of evidence, she examines the psychology
                                                               and  motivations  behind  the  headlines,  finding  out
                                                               what  really  makes  these  criminals  tick...  and  what
                                                               makes us so fascinated by them.

       Genre:   Crime                                          Genre:   Crime
       Format:   3 x 60’ / HD                                  Format:   4 x 60’ / HD
       Credits:  Markham Street Films                          Credits:  Off the Fence Productions
       Delivery: 12 months from green light                    Delivery: TBA
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