Page 79 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 79


       Ocean Mysteries                                         The Real Cost Of Delivery

       Packed with mind-blowing facts, trivia and take-home    Over  3,200  packages  are  shipped  every  second
       info,  this  new  series  follows  larger-than-life  marine   around  the  world.  We  get  whatever  we  want
       biologist Tom Hird AKA ‘Blowfish’, as he uncovers the   delivered to our doorsteps. Same day delivery. Free
       deepest mysteries, secrets, and misconceptions of a     of charge. But if we aren’t paying for our deliveries
       host of weird, wonderful, and downright scary ocean     (or  the  returns),  then  who  is?  With  transportation
       creatures  -  bringing  the  world  beneath  the  waves   accounting  for  30%  of  greenhouse  gas  emissions
       to life and filling us with a sense of awe, amusement   and  most  “recyclable”  packaging  ending  up  in
       and amazement. Blowfish’s investigations will involve   landfills,  the  truth  is  -  we  all  are.  Featuring  Amazon
       crazy,  self-devised  stunts  and  demos,  quirky  CGI,   whistle-blowers,  journalists,  and  scientists,  ‘The  Real
       compelling UGC and stunning natural history footage.    Cost  of  Delivery’  explores  how  our  obsession  with
                                                               convenience and addiction to consumption is killing
                                                               the environment and asks what we can do to stop it?

       Genre:   Science                                        Genre:   Science / Environmental
       Format:   8 x 60’ / HD                                  Format:   1 x 75’ / HD
       Credits:  Off the Fence Productions                     Credits:  Markham Street Films
       Delivery: 9 months from green-light                     Delivery: 12 months from green light
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