Page 75 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 75


       Vive La Sape                                            Hidden

       This coming-of-age story is a celebration of African    ‘Hidden’ is a new, cinema-grade series - the ultimate
       culture  that  follows  the  transformative  journeys  of   marriage  between  technology  and  storytelling.  It
       an aspiring Sapeur and Sapeuse, as they prepare to      brings  to  screen  things  rarely  seen,  revealing  them
       compete at Congo’s renowned dance of designer           in definition not previously possible. In this series, we
       labels  competition,  learning  the  fundamentals  of   literally  reveal  a  world  that  has  been  hidden  from
       la  Sape;  the  philosophy,  their  resilience,  and  their   the human eye. Over three episodes we will feature
       near  religious  devotion  to  fashion.  Through  our   three  countries  in  cutting-edge  8K  resolution,  with
       female characters’ lives, we grasp how the Sapeuse      an  immersive  22.2  surround  soundscape.  ‘Hidden’
       find  empowerment  from  the  image  they  project      uncovers  places,  people  and  pastimes  not  usually
       against entrenched gender stereotypes, with many        featured  in  guidebooks.  We  use  insider  knowledge
       subjected  to  homophobia  or  transphobia  because     and the know-how needed to reach and experience
       they want to be like men.                               them.

       Genre:   People & Culture                               Genre:   Travel & Adventure
       Format:   1 x 90’ / HD                                  Format:   3 x 60’ / 8K
       Credits:  Brave Indie / Backwards Roll Productions / Spring Films  Credits:  Dash Pictures
       Delivery: 15 months from green-light                    Delivery: 9 months from green light
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