Page 71 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 71


       The Greatest Coasts On Earth From Above                 Mesoamerica: The Gaurdians Of The Forest

       When the ocean meets the land, remarkable things        Only  five  Central  American  forests  remain  from  the
       happen. This exciting new series takes us on a global   huge  biological  gateway  that  once  connected
       adventure into mesmerizing landscapes where sea,        the  northern  and  southern  parts  of  the  American
       land,  and  atmosphere  merge  to  create  wondrous     continent,  now  fragmented,  and  threatened  by
       ‘alien’  worlds.  Using  innovative  aerial  filming    intensive logging. This series travels to the heart of the
       techniques, we will reveal fascinating stories of ‘life   Central American Amazon to meet the environmental
       on the edge’, from the age of the dinosaurs through     activists, indigenous people and locals calling for the
       to  the  modern  day.  We’ll  tackle  age-old  mysteries   tide  to  be  turned  against  deforestation  and  where
       and make new discoveries about how mother nature        we discover the animals that are under threat and
       has sculpted out the shapes of the coastline and how    need the forests, their home, to be allowed to grow
       some  truly  unique  wildlife  and  indigenous  cultures   back, so that they may return to the land they used
       have thrived in these harsh habitats.                   to occupy.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   6 x 60’ / HD                                  Format:   3 x 60’ or 1 x 60’ / 4K
       Credits:  Off the Fence Productions                     Credits:  Bamboo Doc
       Delivery: TBA                                           Delivery: Q3 2023
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