Page 70 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 70


       Snack Attack                                            Endemica

       Chips,  Cheezies,  Cookies  -  when  it  comes  to  junk   Italy is home to some of the world’s greatest works
       food,  we  all  crave  our  “fave”.  And  inside  every   of  art,  architecture,  and  cuisine,  but  unbeknown
       snack is a stranger-than-fiction story of its invention.   to many, it is also home to some of the richest and
       ‘Snack Attack’ is the series our stomachs have been     most  diverse  wildlife  in  the  world,  with  the  highest
       waiting for - a fast-paced, addictive look at the guilty   biodiversity  in  Europe.  ‘Endemica’  is  a  landmark
       pleasures  that  fill  our  hearts  and  bellies.  As  each   feature  documentary  about  Italy’s  unique  hidden
       stand-alone episode introduces a new group of junk      treasures. From prehistory into the present, from the
       food,  we’ll  show  what  inspired  each  creation,  and   magnificent  snow-capped  Alpine  mountains  in  the
       explore the often-unintended consequences of their      North to the remote sand dunes in the South, this film
       ultimate success or failure.                            will  explore  how  Italy’s  extraordinary  native  wildlife
                                                               has evolved, coexisted, and even thrived alongside
                                                               the country’s spectacular history.

       Genre:   History                                        Genre:   Nature & Wildlife / Feature Doc
       Format:   9 x 60’ / HD                                  Format:   1 x 90’ / HD
       Credits:  Markham Street Films                          Credits:  Off the Fence Productions
       Delivery:  12 months from green-light                   Delivery: TBA
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