Page 77 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 77


       21st Century Engineering Firsts                         Architect In Residence

       The engineering feats of the 20th century were iconic,   Six of the most visionary architects of our time take us
       but such ingenuity hasn’t faltered in the 21st century,   on a journey of design discovery, beginning in their
       which is full of awe-inspiring engineering ‘firsts’ that   most intimate space and ending in their most iconic
       are  equally  extraordinary  and  ground-breaking!      design. We have secured access to not only some of
       From the first tunnel to reach a mile down, to the first   the world’s leading architects, such as Kengo Kuma
       reusable rocket, to the world’s greenest skyscraper,    and Frank Gehry, but their homes and most famous
       to name just a few! With incredible access to cutting-  builds  too.  We’ll  get  to  know  who  they  are  -  their
       edge  engineering  projects,  institutions,  and  experts   influences,  ambitions,  and  visions  for  the  future.  As
       around  the  world,  we’ll  reveal  the  jaw-dropping   we get a deep, privileged view inside the minds that
       science  and  unbelievable  human  stories  behind      shape our worlds, get ready to look at your home,
       each breakthrough and examine their lasting impact      your  office,  and  your  city  with  a  completely  new
       on the world.                                           perspective.

       Genre:   Science                                        Genre:   Science
       Format:   6 x 60’ / HD                                  Format:   6 x 60’ / HD
       Credits:  Off the Fence Productions                     Credits:  Off the Fence Productions
       Delivery: TBA                                           Delivery: TBA
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