Page 101 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 101
The Man In Love
his wife against the love of Christ to the church, he can more easily do that by comparing it with how he treats his own body. We all know very well what place our bodies hold in our hearts, and it motivates our action towards it, and therefore, we can easily and truthfully access whether our wives get similar treatment from us as our bodies.
In all of this, it must be mentioned that while it is allowed for the husband to love his wife more than he does his body, he must not love his wife more than Christ. That is because, Christ did not love His church more than His Father. We must not make a God of our wives, such that they take preeminence over our love for Christ, and for His Father. This is very important as a possible extreme in the husband and wife relationship. It is also an unlikely scenario to manifest if the husband is walking in the Spirit. The Spirit of God will not move any man to love his wife more than Jesus the Son of God and God the Father. If this scenario is playing out in any relationship, there is a problem that must be addressed. The benchmark that God provided to guide us in expressing our love to our wives does not make for us to love