Page 104 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 104
The Man In Love
verse 17. The scripture says that when our love is in place, whatever we ask the Father in the name of Jesus He will give it to us. When the fruit of love is evident in the husband as demonstrated toward His wife, the prayer experience of the husband and the family will be great! Testimonies will abound.
Please take note here also the implied position that the name of Jesus will not work for us before the Father, if our fruit of love is not in place. In 1 Peter 3:7 we find an even more direct reference to the fact that is love is not present in our relationship with our wives, our prayers will be hindered.
Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
1 Peter 3:7
Fruit in our lives empowers the name of Jesus to work wonders for us with the Father. We may be using the name of Jesus in vain, with great attendant frustration in the place of prayer, if we bear no fruit. John 15:2 says that if we bear no fruit we will only incur the wrath of the Father, who will take us away from Jesus. Lack of