Page 286 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 286
The Man In Love
Acts 1:8). This is the same one who was with God in the beginning and was God according to John 1:1. But coming to the earth, He had to wait until the Holy Spirit came upon Him before He could wield the power required for Him to successfully embark upon and accomplish His mandate. This is most humbling in my own thinking. Certainly, this is was a huge sacrifice. Jesus had to set aside all His power and privileges and status to come in the lowly form of man that His mandate from the Father entailed.
Jesus had to fast and pray as a matter of custom during His earthly walk. If it were not for the fact that He came to earth to save man, what would Jesus have needed to pray for? He had access to everything and lacked nothing. However, He set aside all of that, and had to cry to God for intervention, for mercy, for power, for deliverance just like we all do today. He had to walk by faith also in order to access things from the Father. Even now that He is seated at the right hand of the Father where He is making intercession for us, it is a role that He had to take upon Himself. From the beginning, he never had reason to pray to the Father for anything. All that the Father has belongs to Him!