Page 314 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 314
The Man In Love
church that is governed purely by love as the singular uniform benchmark. In that relationship, Christ being our husbands expressed love for us by giving himself and we also submit to His Lordship as wives. Indeed, the reciprocal gesture from us is somewhat belated because He first loved us, and not that we loved Him.
It is important that wives in particular have this perspective in their relationship with their own husbands so that they can be helped. It would make some wives more comfortable to know that Christ did not make a more stringent or punitive demand from them in commanding that they submit to their husbands. They must understand that the requirement to submit to their husbands is not different ‘substantively’ from the requirement for husbands to submit to their wives. God demonstrates again with the example that He is no respecter of persons.
Submission Is Love
Further to the point that God applied the same standards to husbands and wives in issuing them commands for their