Page 318 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 318
The Man In Love
That means she has been subjected to the rulership of her husband forever and she will desire him all the days of her life.
Submission Is Sacrifice
Submission is evidence of a life of sacrifice. Submission is sacrifice just as obedience is sacrifice. Whenever we choose to go the way of God willfully instead of going our own way, we submit in obedience to God and make a sacrifice as a result. The truth is that God has given us the freedom to make our own choices. It is a God-given right to do what we want, say what we want and make our own decisions. When we chose to go with God, sacrifice our own choices. Submission on the part of a wife to her husband means the wife allowing the husband’s decision, interest or desire to hold sway as a trade-off for those of the wife. Every time the wife submits to her husband she makes a sacrifice. As we mentioned in the chapter on The Life of Sacrifice, there are tangible benefits that accrue from all acceptable sacrifices. When the wife sacrifices to her husband therefore, she will accrue vital benefits as reward. If she refuses to submit as a lifestyle toward