Page 24 - Tiramisu_ UK singole ridotto_con link
P. 24



                      Ingredients for 4 people:
                         For the biscuit
         150 g sugar, 155 g egg white, 100 g icing sugar, Oro Caffè
             Arabica Rose special coffee blend for Tiramisu.
             Preparation: Whisk the sugar and egg whites.
            Once they are well whisked, add the icing sugar.
                   Use a pastry bag to make discs.
             Cook at 180°C for 20 minutes. Make thin discs
               of spongecake. Arrange these on a plate
           and soak them with unsweetened coffee and a few
                drops of coffee liqueur (to one's taste).

                          For the cream
                     200 g mascarpone cheese
            150 gr Collavini Ribolla Gialla Ratafià, 1 whole egg.
                Presentation: Place all the ingredients
          in a planetary mixer until a smooth cream is obtained,
                  then put the cream in a whipping
           siphon, give it a charge and placing it in the fridge.

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