Page 64 - UNAM Strategic Plan (REVIEWED) 2019-2024
P. 64
Figure 7: Organisational Alignment by Cascading Scorecards
Adapted from: Balanced Scorecard Institute, Strategy Management (2012)
In our context, alignment by cascading the balanced scorecard implies translating
the institutional-wide scorecard (Tier 1), down to Tier 2, at which are the divisions
headed by PVCs, Tier 3, which are the faculties, academic and research centres,
administrative directorates and other support units, including individuals in these
units. Aligning scorecards (business units) will improve accountability through
objective and performance measure ownership, and desired employee behaviours
will be incentivised through recognition and rewards.
Cascading the plan will focus the entire institution on strategy and, at the same time,
create line- of-sight between the work people do and high- level desired results. As
the management system is cascaded down through the institution, objectives will
become more operational and tactical, as will performance measures. In this way,
accountability will improve as ownership is emphasised at each level. Emphasis on
results and the strategies needed to produce results will be communicated
throughout out the entire institution.