Page 79 - EDUCON 2022 Book of Abstracts
P. 79

Recommendations: Based on the evidence, it is recommended that
            English Language Learners incorporate curricular objectives and
            activities that promote using playful learning strategies to enhance the
            literacy and language development of English Language Learners. It is
            also recommended that, 1) The existing curriculum needs to be
            revised so that play-based learning can be incorporated, 2) teachers are
            monitored to ensure that play-based pedagogy is implemented to
            enhance English Second Language learning. It is also necessary for
            teachers to receive training in play-based pedagogies.
            Keywords: play-based learning, literacy, English language, teaching
            methodologies, qualitative research

            16. Tjizumaue, R. F. & Strauss, A.M., How play impacts language
            learning in a pre-primary classroom in a school in the //Karas
            Background: Children are playful by nature, and for them ‘playing’
            is beneficial in many ways because it is interconnected with other
            aspects of learning. As children play, they manipulate, explore,
            experiment, and develop language and reasoning skills while they
            acquire concept of the world around them
            Aim: Finding out how play impacts language learning in a pre-
            primary classroom in a school in the! Karas region?
            Methodology: A quantitative research design was used for this
            research, particularly quantitative survey methods. A sample of seven
            pre-primary teachers participated in the study. Demographic section –
            sought to collect data of the respondents such as gender, age, name of
            school, subject they teach, highest qualification, etc. Section 1-
            identified different methods of play to promote basic literacy used.
            Section 2-determined the influence of play on basic literacy; and
            Section 3–found out what play methods are integrated during basic
            literacy teaching.

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