Page 83 - EDUCON 2022 Book of Abstracts
P. 83
should be made available to all early-grade teachers and appropriate
resources be provided to support the teaching and learning of
comprehensive sexuality education.
Keywords: Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE); early grades;
curriculum; Sexuality Education; Behaviour-Determinant-
Intervention (BDI) Logic Model.
19. Zimba, R. F., Kasanda, C. D., Haihambo, C.K., Kapenda, H.M.,
Kudumo, M., Neshila, F., & Sheyapo, M., Secondary school learners’
understanding of Namibian boys under achievement and under-
participation in education
Background: In Namibia, gender disparity in academic achievement
between boys and girls affects academic achievement. The current
global trends are consistent with what has happened in Namibia where
gender disparity in education has been effectively reversed in favour
of girls. More Namibian boys under-participate and under-achieve in
Aim: The purpose of the study was to find out what causes the
disparity in academic performance between male and female
learners/students and what the education implications were.
Methodology: Using a mixed methods research design and
systematic, criterion and case study sampling techniques, researchers
from the University of Namibia collected data from all 14 Educational
Regions of Namibia by administering structured questionnaires to
4659 secondary school learners.
Results: From document analysis, the researchers ascertained that at
the secondary school level, challenges of some boys’ low survival
rates, low promotion rates from grade to grade, high failure rates, high
school leaving rates, and high dropout rates negatively affected their
academic achievement and academic participation in school in all 14
education regions.