P. 19

George starts to shiver all over his body.

                     "How do I get home if the police are all over town?"
                   He looks around at the others with a strange distant look in his eyes.

                     "What if they stop me?"

                   Janokovic has had his doubts from the start about whether George was safe to
                   join them, but the others persuaded him.

                     "What the hell is wrong with you?" Says Janokovic, clearly annoyed.

                      "If you’re too scared to have the money on you, please let me know, then you
                   can come over to my house later and pick them up."

                     "I'm afraid that my father will find out I have so much money on me… and what
                   about the police?"

                     George is about to have one of his seizures. He gets it when he gets nervous.

                     "Now, stop all that shaking. Take one of your pills. I keep the money, ”

                   Janokovic says with a mixture of pinned up anger and pity. After all, George is

                   only 10 years old and he suffers from epilepsy.
                   George bends his head under the table and starts sniffing lighter gas. They've

                   seen this many times before, something about his dad hitting him when he got
                   his seizures, so he's started sniffing lighter gas and epoxy vapour. It works so he

                   doesn't get his seizures as often, he claims.

                   Janokovic takes George's pile of money and puts it in his pocket.
                     "Cheers," he says.

                   George puts his head up over the counter top again, he puts the lighter on the

                   table and takes a cigarette in his mouth; he has now stopped shaking. He just sits
                   on the couch, looking pale and being completely silent - only his lips moving

                   without sound.

                     "Are you okay?" Eik says, shaking him.

                     "Yes, yes," George replies, fishing a dirty piece of paper out of his trouser

                   pocket, he opens the paper tab and takes out two pills, which he immediately
                   puts in his mouth and flushes it down with a big sip of his ale.

                     "Yeah, yeah, I was just having a seizure, the gas helps. And the pills, eh, I don't
                   know if they work, just let me sit for a bit."
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