P. 20

He makes a deprecatingly motion with his hand.

                   "You can't have a seizure now. Go home, man. If anything happens here, we're all
                   in serious trouble, George. "

                   George just nods while looking stiffly in front of him.

                     "Can you follow him home?" Janokovic says to Eik. "Can he sleep with you?"
                   Eik shakes head, looking down. "It's not possible, my old man is home."

                     "Fuckin’ hell, then let's go. He’ll stay with me ‘til tomorrow. No one will come."
                   Janokovic says, continuing: "Now I have to have that teddy bear on tow again, you

                   shouldn't have recommended him. Now we only have problems. "
                   "Shut up," Eik shouts. “I don't want to hear anymore. George is the best of all the

                   boys for pocket and purse thefts. Damnit, do you really think we can find

                   someone better? And the fact that he's only 10 years old, makes him a non-
                   suspect. He bloody saves you, Jano. George who saves you, because there are too

                   many people here in town who now know you and your reputation. Ever since

                   you knocked the old pensioner down. "
                     "Shut your fat, filthy hole," Janokovic snarls back.

                   Matt, who is the biggest, gets up and says, "Relax, let's move on."
                     "Come on, George, we're moving."

                   George, now even more pale, rises up as if he were asleep, and follows the gang.

                     "I'll call my dad when I get to your place."

                   As they walk towards the door, Janokovic knocks hard on the desk-bell with his

                     Singh appears behind the counter.

                   “Singh, we're leaving. Don’t say to Mom and Jack that we've been here. And just

                   hand me two ales, will ya? We need to have something to bring back home. ”
                    Singh fishes out two ales from the fridge and places them on the bar.

                     "Please, here, keep the rest, and Singh, don't tell others, not even your friends,

                   that we've been here tonight, alright?"
                     "Thanks Jano, do you really think I should keep it all?"

                   Singh looks amazed at the small mountain of coins that he can immediately see is
                   far more than what the two ale costs. "Yes, keep them and promise me this; don’t
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