Page 56 - Investing in Praetura Group - Christopher Carter
P. 56

             Forecast Commentary (ctd)

             Commentary continued…

            Having produced these forecasts last year       • PAF growth has been agreed by the               strategic acquisition opening up
            both PAF and PCF have fleshed out their 3         PAF Group board at the last board               another market (soft asset) and the
            year plans, which would accelerate the            meeting to be made up as follows:               securitisation funding hence the make-
            forecasts to reaching a combined book of                                                          up of that deal
            over £275m by the end of 2021 (a year              • Grow the overall book to c.£200m
            earlier than planned)                                 over the next three years without        • Any further acquisitions will be focused
                                                                  changing the key principles of the          on acquiring management teams
            The make up of that growth is as follows:             business or attitude to risk                through attractive long term incentive
                                                                                                              plans (as per Praetura Direct Finance)
            • Purely organic growth from PCF in line           • Organically PAF Trading division             rather than day 1 consideration or
               with the business plan to date. With low           and the KAF Trading division are            buying lending books which are under
               levels of attrition in the lending book            targeted to increase their lending          leveraged and using our senior debt
               the business is able to scale quickly              book from £100m to £130m in the             (securitisation) to gear up their balance
               having reached £30m within 24 months               next three years (illustrating modest       sheet to our 87.5% advance to pay the
                                                                  growth)                                     majority of the consideration
            • The business is looking to add a second
               very capable business development               • £20m of additional lending book is        Furthermore, the debt numbers do not
               director who, along with a £10m                    expected from Praetura Direct            include incremental performance from
               Mezzanine line and the appetite from               Finance, our new direct sales            Praetura Debt Company
               RBSIF (incumbent bank) to scale the                division focusing on bus and coach.
               book through syndication, gives the                That team built a book of £20m in
               business the ability to reach at least an          their previous employment and
               £80m overall lending book over the                 have a strong track record
               next three years by continuing to write
               the same business as it has since               • £50m of growth through acquisition
                                                            • New acquisitions are not expected to
                                                              be under a similar deal structure to
                                                              Kingsway, which was a very important
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