Page 5 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 5


                                                                                     Rabbi Danny Mirvis

              The Chatter

                    that Changes Lives

          n the middle of Parashat Chayei   repeated in the Torah, and many of   learn from  the  examples set to us
          Sarah, Avraham orders his trusted   the Torah’s fundamentals were only   from our forefathers and foremothers
      Iservant to journey and find a suitable   taught with hints” (Bereishit Rabbah   themselves.
       wife for Yitzchak. While this servant is   60:8).
       the central character of this part of the                                 Whilst our educational systems place
       story, his name is not revealed in the   While we can understand the obser-  great focus on developing and deliver-
       Torah itself, and Chazal identify him as   vation which led to this conclusion,   ing content, how much focus do they
       Eliezer. The Torah describes his story in   what is the reasoning behind it?  place on providing role models who
       great detail, as he sets out on his jour-                                 personify Torah and Torah values?
       ney, holds a discussion with Hashem,   “”      Sometimes, the             Far more than learning the do’s and
       witnesses the successful test, presents        presentation of            don’ts of Judaism, it is essential that
       Rivka with gifts, blesses Hashem and                                      our pupils (whether they be children,
       returns with her to her home to finalize       a living example           students or adults) have exposure
       the arrangement (Bereishit 24:1-32).           influences and guides      to living examples who embody the
       As Eliezer arrives at Rivka’s home,            far more successfully      Torah they teach.
       we then read the whole story and               than the formulation       If we consider the individuals who
       details of the test again as he retells                                   have made the greatest impact on our
       the events to her family (Bereishit            of direction through       lives, while they may have held formal
       24:33-49). This repetition signifi-            commandments.              educational or leadership positions,
       cantly lengthens the parasha, without                                     the chances are that we were far more
       seeming  to add anything  new  to  the
       narrative.                           My  Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Aharon       impacted by their general demeanor
                                            Lichtenstein zt”l, explained that    or behavior (when they were not
       Why does the Torah include Eliezer’s   the Torah has two ways of show-    intentionally aiming to impart a mes-
       retelling of the story when we have   ing us how to behave. The first one   sage), than their formal or frontal
       just read the entire narrative in great   is formulated as commandments,   education.
       detail? Would the Torah not have     expressed through directions of how
       delivered the same message by writ-  to behave and how not to. The second   Every individual is similarly capable
       ing, “And the servant told them every-  is expressed through people, whose   of making a positive impact on others
       thing that occurred”?                deeds, behavior and lifestyles give us   and whether we like it or not, we are
                                            direction. Sometimes, the presenta-  all educators. Regardless of our indi-
       Many of the Torah’s fundamental                                           vidual level of observance, there will
       halachic principles are taught almost   tion of a living example influences   always be people who look up to us as
       incidentally,  in  great  brevity,  or  with   and guides far more successfully than   representatives of Judaism, whether
       hints. Why does this servant’s rep-  the formulation of direction through   from inside or outside the faith.
       etition of a story we have just read   commandments.
       deserve such attention?              Rabbi Acha’s rule comes to teach     In addition to paying attention to our
                                                                                 technical performance of Torah, we
       In  explanation  of  this  seeming  lack   us  that the example  of a living role   must ensure that our “chatter,” our
       of balance, Rabbi Acha taught in the   model, who embodies and represents   everyday behavior and lifestyles, suit-
       Midrash:                             the letter and spirit of the Torah, can   ably reflect our positions as represen-
                                            be  a  far  more  influential  educational
       “The chatter of the servants of the   tool than learning the technical com-  tatives of the Torah and ambassadors
       forefathers is better before Hashem   mandments and details alone. If this   of Hashem.
       than the Torah of their children     is true of the servants of our forefa-  Rabbi Danny Mirvis is the Senior Rabbi of
       (descendants), for Eliezer’s passage is   thers, how much more so is there to   Mizrachi Melbourne.

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