Page 6 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 6
Rabbi Shua Solomon
“A nd he said, ‘I am a servant of Our Sages tell us that the name of this the entire future Jewish nation. It was
“servant” who played such a key role
Avraham’” (Bereishit 24:34).
therefore important he put all per-
As Avraham reaches the
the entire Jewish people was Eliezer.
centrate solely on his Divine mission.
end of his life, he sets his servant the in the continuity of the family and sonal considerations aside and con-
task of finding a wife for Yitzchak. Eliezer had one of the most important
After swearing he will not find him jobs in Jewish history, to guarantee When we are involved in community
a wife from Canaan, but will travel the future of the house of Avraham work, it is important to remember it
to Avraham’s family as Avraham and consequently Am Yisrael. How is not about the mention of our name
requested, Avraham’s servant set out is it possible that such an important but the important work we do for
on his journey. Upon noticing Rivka, figure does not even have his name the good of the community and the
the servant devises a well-side test mentioned in this week’s parasha? Jewish people. We must try and put
which she passes with flying colors. We can answer that it was precisely our egos and personal considerations
He then follows her home and man- because of the importance of his aside and focus solely on what we can
ages to close the deal with her family, mission that Eliezer’s name was con- do for others.
after which he brings Rivka to become cealed. Eliezer was not only the ser- Rabbi Shua Solomon is the Senior Rabbi
Yitzchak’s wife. vant of Avraham but the servant of of Mizrachi Bondi.
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