Page 8 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 8


                                                                                Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                                      Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                           The Big Deal

       Visiting Was A Big Deal              owned after having legally purchased   Nachshon’s four-month-old son, died
                                            it.                                  of SIDS. His mother decided to bury
            rev Rosh Hashanah, pre-lock-                                         him in the ancient Jewish cemetery
            down, we at Yeshivat Hakotel were   Undeterred  by  the locals’ attempt  to   of Chevron. No Jews had been buried
      Eblessed to receive permission to     minimize his request, Avraham asks   there since the 1929 pogroms and
       take our talmidim to Ma’arat HaMach-  Efron to sell him the Ma’ara.  Though   the Arabs had desecrated it. The gov-
       pelah to daven on behalf of the Jewish   Efron offers him the land for free,   ernment sent soldiers to stop her, but
       people.                              Avraham insists on paying full price. 4   they could not hold her back as she
                                            He wants his ownership of the land to
       I have visited the  Ma’ara many      be clear, known and indisputable.    carried her dead baby in her arms and
       times, but this time was very dif-                                        marched to Chevron on foot.
       ferent. There was an eerie silence   To reinforce the details of Avraham’s   As she buried her son, she said, “3,800
       as the place was almost completely   accomplishments, the Torah method-
       empty. We were allowed inside in     ically summarizes the story in three   years ago, Avraham  buried his  wife
       small groups, each for a short amount   segments:                         Sarah in Chevron, thus beginning the
       of time. We were of the few able to                                       Jewish settlement there. I now bury
       beseech our avot and imahot up close   1.  Pesukim 17–18: Avraham pur-    Avraham the son of Sarah, and this will
       to  daven  for  us  on  the  night  when   chased the land (delineated in   be the beginning of the rebirth of this
       selichot focus on  asking  Hashem to     detail).                         Jewish city.”
       remember His covenant with them.     2.  Pasuk 19: (Only) after the pur-
                                                chase, Avraham buried Sarah      Looking Forward
       The Torah Makes A Big Deal               there.                           My students and I were lucky to visit

       Do we really need 20  pesukim?       3.  Pasuk 20: (After and as a result   on the eve of the day we commemorate
       Couldn’t the Torah describe the pur-     of these two actions) the land   our ancestors’ commitment to avodat
       chase of  Ma’arat HaMachpelah in         became Avraham’s achuzat kever.  Hashem. May our own commitment
       two or three? Didn’t Avraham have                                         to avodat Hashem and to our ancestral
       a simple request? Why were three                                          homeland soon afford us the ability
       rounds of conversation needed to close   The Deal’s Significance          to once again visit Chevron and all of
       what one would think was a standard   The Midrash  teaches that others    Eretz Yisrael without any limitation at
       deal and why does the Torah include   cannot accuse us of having stolen   all.
       the whole discussion?                Ma’arat HaMachpelah (or Har HaBa-
                                            yit and  Kever Yosef) because it is a
       It Was A Big Deal                    precious  site  that  our  ancestors  pur-  1   To emphasize their point,  Bnei Chet men-
                                                                                     tion  kevura  (burial),  as  opposed  to  achuza
                                            chased. Sadly, many do dispute our       (estate) five times (Bereishit 23:6).
       A careful reading reveals an underly-  rights to these places. Nevertheless,   2   Ibid 23:4, 9.
       ing tension and disagreement about   Avraham’s purchase – and the subse-  3   Ibid 23:9.
       what Avraham ought to receive.  Bnei   quent burial of our ancestors there –   4   Ibid 23:11–16.
       Chet  were  willing  to  give  Avraham  a   should heighten our internal sense of   5   Bereishit Rabbah 79:7.
       burial  plot.   Avraham  wanted  more   our irrefutable right to ‘the city of our   6   Avraham Ben Sarah – Return to Hebron,
       though. He sought an  achuzat  kever   ancestors.’                            Rabbi Noam Himmelstein, The Jewish Star
       –  a  burial  estate.   Many  people  had                                     January 17, 2013.
       and would pass through the Land of
       Israel. Through his wife’s (and eventu-  We Continue to Connect To
       ally his own) death, Avraham wanted   Chevron Through Burial              Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
       to cement his relationship with and   In 1975, soon after the Jewish return   Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the
       right to the Land by burying in land he   to Chevron, little Avraham, Sarah   Yeshivat HaKotel Overseas Program.

      8  |                                                                    Photo courtesy of the Jewish Community of Hebron
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