Page 10 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 10


                                                                                Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                                Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

               Everything Needs Chesed

      P     arashat  Chayei Sarah is  over-  Chesed  is something  we are all    bond develops into a sense of unity

            flowing with acts of chesed:
                                            expected to do or give, but it is also
                                                                                 throughout all sectors of our people.
                                            something we all need to receive.
                                            That’s just the way G-d created the   Today, one positive side effect of
       •   At the start of the parasha, Avra-  world. It might not always be easy to   COVID-19 is the rise in opportunities
          ham buries Sarah.                 do chesed but it can be even harder to   to do chesed: helping people in quar-
                                            receive it!                          antine, people who are sick and their
       •   Ephron does  chesed  with Avra-                                       families, the elderly, those at risk,
          ham by agreeing to give him                                            people  who  have  lost  their  jobs,  etc.
          the  Ma’ara (even though Avra-                                         Many of these people have never been
          ham insists on paying him                                              in  a  position  of  needing  chesed.  On
          handsomely).                                                           the contrary, they may have even been
                                                                                 on the side of the givers up to eight
       •   Eliezer does  chesed for Avraham                                      months ago.
          by  going  to  look  for  a  wife  for
          Yitzchak.                                                              We learn from Avraham though: even
                                                                                 a person of chesed needs chesed.
       •   Rivka gives water to Eliezer and
          his camels (although he only                                           Moreover, a person of  chesed knows
          asked for himself).                                                    how to appreciate the  chesed he or
                                                                                 she receives, even when it may be
       •   Betuel and Lavan allow Rivka to                                       the most natural thing in the world.
          marry Yitzchak.                                                        A person of  chesed  knows how to
                                                                                 express gratitude to all those givers
       •   G-d does chesed for Avraham.
                                                                                 around him: parents, spouse, col-
       •   At the end of the  parasha,                                           leagues, employees, teachers, stu-
          Yitzchak and Yishmael do  chesed                                       dents, etc.
          by burying Avraham.                                                    All of the people that make up a per-

       This list reveals a surprising thing: a   We are not perfect and we are not   son’s surroundings  add something
       large  proportion of  the  chasadim  in   G-d. Even if we are able to help many   to that person’s life, and part of the
       the  parasha are done for Avraham!   others, we will always need help     enjoyment of that life is to notice
       The very epitome of  chesed –  ד ֶ ס ֶ ח   from others. And in those cases, we   that chesed, to acknowledge it and to
       ם ָ ה ָ ר ְ ב ַ א ְ ל – is the person who needs it   must allow those others to help us,   express sincere gratitude to those who
                                                                                 do it.
       the most!                            because true chesed allows for others
                                            to do chesed for you as well! It enables
       This shows us that everyone needs    others to give and not just to receive.
       chesed, even Avraham Avinu, the                                           1   Shown to me by my esteemed father-in-law,
       “Man of Chesed.” The Midrash (Bere-  And even if we don’t need to receive,   2   HaRav Blumenzweig.
                                                                                     See Maharal, Netiv HaTzedakah, 6.
       ishit Rabbah) says: “Everyone needs   we need to allow others to give.
       chesed. Even Avraham, for whom       The deeper  mechanics  is  that  when
       chesed exists in the world, needed   we allow others to give to us, we are
       chesed, as it says  יִנד ֲ א ם ִ ע ד ֶ ס ֶ ח הׂ ֵ ש ֲ ע ַ ו   creating a strong and meaningful con-  Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Rosh HaYeshiva
       ם ָ ה ָ ר ְ ב ַ א, “and he did  chesed with his   nection between us, and when we all   at JCT–Machon Lev and Head of Mizra-
       master Avraham.”                     give and enable others to give, this   chi’s Educational Advisory Board.

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