Page 40 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 40

of Israel, the Aliyah rate from America is still close to 0%! How   of something. There are two ways of performing a kinyan meshicha
        can we take ourselves seriously if we say for generations that we   when acquiring an animal. A person can call an animal so that
        want to return to the Land, but don’t take the opportunity when   it follows his command or, alternatively, the one who is seeking
        it presents itself?!                                   acquisition can hit the animal, causing it to run ahead. According
                                                               to Rabbi Teichtal, this verse is saying – “Hashem, acquire us, pull
        There is another difference between life in the Diaspora and   us towards You through a kinyan meshicha – but let it be the kind
        in Eretz Yisrael, that bears mentioning in the context of this
        conversation. In the Diaspora, our focus is on preservation and   of meshicha where You call us and we run to You, rather than us
                                                               being hit and having to flee!”
        survival. Our primary objective is (and should be) to protect
        ourselves from assimilation, the most extreme manifestation of
        which is intermarriage. We must also contend with more subtle   What is your elevator pitch for your future community?
        expressions of assimilation, and cultural indoctrination. In the   We are looking to establish a community that is growth oriented.
        Diaspora, we focus on preserving the integrity of our heritage.   Aliyah means ascent, which is, of course, geographical, but is
        Community development in the Land of Israel has somewhat of   also intended to reflect a process of spiritual growth. Although
        a different focus. The model shifts from one of preservation and   I have not yet taken permanent residence in Israel, I have been
        survival to one of building and developing the infrastructure of   fortunate to lead a community of “bnei Aliyah,” of people who are
        our future. In a certain sense, we have “arrived.” The miraculous   growing. Our goal in Meromei Shemesh is to create an environment
        events of the past 75 years represent the unfolding of a vision   that is conducive to growth as individuals, as families, and as a
        that was foretold many centuries ago by our prophets. Jewish   community. At times, we encounter a lot of pain and confusion in
        life in Israel is not focused on preservation, but rather realizing   life and in the world. There are many families that are disjointed
        and actualizing our nation’s ultimate destiny.         and relationships in need of repair. As part of my mission as a rav
        There was a time in history when the State of Israel served as a   and as a teacher and in my role as a mental health professional,
        haven for thousands of Jews who were seeking refuge from death   I have tried, in some small measure, to assist some in healing
        and persecution. And, for Jews in some places in the world, it still   some of those wounds. This is a core Torah value. If people are
        is. In his monumental essay, “Kol Dodi Dofek,” Rav Soloveitchik zt”l   looking for that kind of community, I believe they will find it in
        listed the miracles of modern Israel, and taught that the sixth   Meromei Shemesh at Rotshtein Heights. Another feature of the
        miracle (“knock”) was that Jews now have a safe haven and can   Teaneck community of which I am quite proud, is the sense of
        escape persecution. Despite the alarming rise in antisemitism   peace and harmony within the broader community. I hope and
        in the United States and around the world, we do not seem to be   pray that we will be zocheh to build a community that has similar
        at a point where people feel that they need to run and escape.   aspirations and achievements.
        Nevertheless, our goal should be to run to Israel, not merely to   Aloh Na’aleh!
        run away from where we are. Rabbi Yissachar Teichtal hy”d, the
        famous author of Eim Habanim Semeichah, shares a beautiful vort.
        We read in Shir HaShirim: ה ָצּור ָּנ ךי ֶר ֲח ַא יִנ ֵכ ְ ׁש ָמ, “pull us towards you
        and we will run” (Shir HaShirim 1:4). In halacha, there is a legal
        transaction called “meshicha” which allows you to take ownership

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