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P. 44

The Old-Young Nation

                                      Rabbi Yitzchak Nissenbaum hy”d

                    nd Avraham was old, advanced in years” (Bereishit   princes, tens of thousands of their servants and innumerable
                    24:1). Old age overtakes a person for four reasons.   servants of servants.
                    Yehoshua, for example, grew old because of the
        “A  many battles he fought, while Eli the Kohen grew   Our children have distanced themselves from their nation and
        old because of the evil reports he heard about his sons – “he   from holiness; their whole desire is to be like the sons of Eli, to
        heard all that his sons did to the people of Israel” (Shmuel I, 2:22).   grab a good, fat slice of meat with their forks. Our wives are for-
        David grew old because of his fear of the sword, while Shlomo   eigners to their people and their culture, bringing the idols and
        grew old because of the gentile wives he brought into his home   culture of other nations into our homes. We have been “blessed”
        (Tanchuma, Chayei Sarah).                             with “everything,” “לֹ ּ כ ָּ ב,” with daughters who possess all the vir-
                                                              tues and talents, who know seventy languages and how to sing,
        But why did Avraham grow old? He did not fight many wars,   play music and dance (particularly at non-Jewish weddings!).
        nor did he hear evil reports about his children, for “Yishmael   “How beautiful are your steps in sandals, O prince’s daughter!”
        repented during his lifetime” (Bereishit Rabbah 59) and his grand-  (Shir HaShirim 7:2), daughter of Avraham Avinu! There is only
        son Esav did not rebel in his lifetime (ibid., 63). He did not live in   one thing these perfect daughters do not know: all that belongs to
        fear of the sword and women did not turn his heart away from   their nation! The language of their people embarrasses them, its
        Hashem. So why did he grow old?                       wisdom is scornful in their eyes, and when they are reminded
        According to the view that says: “And Hashem blessed Avraham   that they are Jewish women, it arouses within them disgust.
        with everything (לֹ ּ כ ָּ ב),” this means that “Avraham had a daughter   Even one of these things is enough to bring old age upon a nation,
        whose name was ba-kol (לֹ ּ כ ָּ ב)” (Bava Batra 16b), then it is possible   or even to bring a people to its grave, and it is only more likely
        that Avraham grew old from the challenges of raising a daugh-  when all these things and more descend upon a nation from
        ter… But according to those who interpret the verse differently,   every side. And so we should not wonder at our nation’s old age,
        why did he grow old?                                  but rather we should wonder that we are still alive!
        The truth is that Avraham prayed that old age should come to   Perhaps, however, there is a silver lining to our old age. Perhaps,
        the world, so that people would be able to distinguish fathers   like Avraham, we need old age! Until the Hebrew nation arose,
        from sons and the old from the young. “Until Avraham there   there were no old nations in the world. A nation would live for a
        was no old age in the world… Avraham came and prayed for old   few hundred or a thousand years, and then disappear from the
        age” (Bava Metzia 86a).                               world. Go and look at the histories of the nations of the world
        Am Yisrael is old, advanced in years. We are certainly advanced   and see how long they have existed. How many years have passed
        in years, being over 3,200 years old! Compared to the nations   since they were formed as nations with their own cultures and
        among whom we dwell, we are extraordinarily old. Yet we are   national life? Are they not like children compared to the Hebrew
        also an eternal nation; our days are like those of the heavens and   nation? Am Yisrael brought old age, the agedness of nations, to
        the earth. Compared to eternity we are like young children! Why,   the world. If we show some signs of age today, so be it! On the
        then, has old age sprung upon us? Why do we exhibit the surest   contrary, let everyone recognize our nation’s extraordinary lon-
        sign of age: “The old one is like a monkey” (Kohelet Rabbah 1:2),   gevity; let them appreciate the nation that left Egypt and stood
        copying the actions of others, as if we have lost our own identity?  at Mount Sinai, the nation that conquered its land and produced
                                                              prophets and poets; prophets and poets who have illuminated
        It is easy to explain our old age, for we have suffered from all   the entire world!
        four causes of aging, alongside many others that have dried the
        marrow of our bones and dimmed our vision. For two thousand   Ultimately, these signs of old age are only one side of the “coin of
        years, the swords of destructive angels have been waved before   Avraham Avinu” (Bava Kamma 97b), the revealed side of the coin of
        our eyes. We have fought many painful wars that threatened   the Hebrew nation in our time. The other side of the coin, though
        our very survival against thousands of kings, ministers and   it has been hidden for a long time, is our freshness of youth, the

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